Sunday, February 26, 2012

Homemade Caramel

I have recently been introduced to coconut sugar and immediately went out and bought a bag of it. Coconut sugar is said to be one of the healthiest alternatives to sugar and it is made only from coconut. Now that I had the sugar, I had to begin to brainstorm what I could start making with it. Finally, I decided the first recipe I would try would be homemade caramel sauce. With only three ingredients, I made what I think is some pretty delicious caramel sauce. You can store for a rainy day, or even just a lazy Sunday, like today. Below are some snacks I made with my caramel sauce to cheer up my Sunday afternoon. Snacks included some sliced green apples and bananas with fresh whipped cream.

Recipe for caramel sauce:

1 Cup water
1 Cup coconut sugar
1/2 C heavy cream

Put the water and sugar into a sauce pan and stir constantly until the mixture comes to a boil. Once it starts to boil stop stirring and let it bubble for about 5-7 minutes until the mixture starts to smoke a little (don't catch the kitchen on fire). Pull the mixture off the heat and pout in the heavy cream and stir until everything is evenly combined. As the mixture cools it will thicken to the gooey consistency you are used to seeing. You can store in the fridge and pour on whatever makes you happy.

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